Friday, July 31, 2015



Weirdest part: that's actually a shih tzu in the middle of the picture

Hi Plurals! Who are you and what do you do and what else would you do if you had the option?

The Plurals are Hattie, Nich, and Tommy. Tommy says "I pretend to work at a grocery store and do some odd recording jobs as well, and I'd really like it if I pretended to do mostly recording stuff and occasionally worked at a grocery store." Hattie says "I work at very nice grocery store, and soon I'd like to be making more art, writing more (fiction, non, and music stuffs), and learning how to be a well-rounded human being. Also, I like mycology."  Nich says "I worked at a grocery store about seven years ago and now work at a different job and have played in this band for a long time."

You have been a band for how many years now?

11-12 years since we were in high school and trying to learn covers in Hattie's parents basement, 7-8 since we started writing real songs and recording them, 5 since we started touring and being real-ish. There are no simple answers.

And you have a forthcoming new release, right?

Yes! "An Onion Tied To My Belt" was released on July 21st by our own label GTG Records, our friend Jimmi's label Infintismel Records in Jacksonville, FL, and our friends Logan and Lucille's label Diet Pop Records in Tucson, AZ. We recorded it with some of our best musician friends and got to release it with some good people that we've met from DIY touring so the whole record is a pretty cool summation of what we've been doing the last few years.

Being around as long as you have, you've got to have a good/bad bunch of tour stories. Please share one!

It's all a blur and it's mostly good memories as even at most "bad" shows we still make friends or something. One story that always sticks out goes back to one of our first tours ever when we were hanging out in Trenton, NJ (home of our good friends and label-mates Honah Lee, some of whom may or may not have been present) after a really fun show. At this show one of the guys in the crowd got hit with the microphone (I think) and it caused his head to start bleeding a little bit, not a serious cut though. Anyway, after the show we were hanging out at our friend's house at about 4 AM, this guy passed out and people started to draw on him and mess with him, pretty standard stuff. He eventually woke up and started wrestling with one of the other guys, and in the process the head cut opened up again and his face was pretty much covered in blood. Everyone was really rowdy at this point, laughing and screaming and we had all started to calm down and the guys that were wrestling (who were good friends) were just sitting on the floor when all of a sudden one of the neighbors kicked the door open holding a baseball bat and demanding that we "shut the fuck up" because he was "trying to watch TV." However, before he said anything else, he looked down and saw the guy slumped against the wall covered in blood while a room full of people were just standing there laughing at him, and the neighbor just said "oh shit" and walked out, clearly freaked out. It really says something about the wildness of a party when a guy who is fully willing to bust into a house with a baseball bat would rather just leave than try to deal with the situation. Everyone was fine and we still see most of these people when we tour out that way. Not the baseball bat guy though.

Is Michigan as scary as people make it out to be? ...Or is that specifically a Detroit thing? (And if so, is that really as scary as people say?)

People say Michigan is scary? Is that a Montana thing? We'd love to hear scary Michigan legends. Michigan is a beautiful state full of forests, fresh water beaches that look like the ocean, and a long history of cool, alternative art. Detroit especially! Though RoboCop is actually a documentary.

What is Lansing like, scene-wise?

Lansing has a bunch of tangential connections to the advent of punk and hardcore, and the college area was a minor hub of "alt rock" back in the 90s, so there's a lot of veteran musicians and promoters that are still very edgy and weird and who have a lot of stories about crossing paths with anyone from Gibby Haynes to Danzig or Anthony Keidis or whoever. What's really nice about Lansing is that the DIY thing is really ingrained in the artistic community and there's never a dominant style as everyone is pretty open to different things. Scenes always ebb and flow and for the last few years "our" group, the GTG Records community, has been sort of the torch-bearers of house shows and warehouse/ underground shows. We do a GTG Fest every October that happens at some of the cool bars as well as at DIY spaces.  

Your new Fleetwood Mac graphic is incredible. Whose work? Whose idea?

We all grew up on classic rock so we have a long history of celebrating and mocking a lot of the so-called "dinosaur bands." One of our earliest songs was about all of the spaceships on the cover of Boston's first album. The Fleetwood Mac posted was designed by our friend Corey Marie, who probably wants us to plug her webstores and such as she's a crafty maker of many things and pretty darn good at what she does.!

Hattie, last time you were playing in Billings, you had to fend off a moron who kept trying to hit on you DURING the set. ...This was at a sports bar, so obviously this was not a typical show environment, but it brings to a few questions to mind. Most obviously: how often does that occur and how do you deal with it? Any advice to potential morons who might attempt the same thing?

H: I forgot about that! I generally am nice to people, and try to be understanding and compassionate. We are all products of our environment-but it does get uncomfortable some times, especially when I still occasionally get a totally innocent "You're a really good drummer for a girl!" comment. Advice for morons: give the ladies their space! If you want to impress me, be polite! I am a little out-of-it in a show setting, but we Plurals are usually open and friendly. Just wait til after we play!

What are you most excited for on your upcoming tour?  Cities/food/activities/friends/whatever!

All of the above. The burrito quality of the southwest and California is something we never take for granted. Most of the shows on this tour are at places we've played before so it's good to be seeing friends and familiar places. 

What do you do with your down time when not band-ing?

Play in other bands.

Best topping for ice cream? 

Hattie: Salty French Fries, OR any kind of crispy rice cereal (fruity, cocoa or plain). I would probably eat a lot of things on ice cream.
Nich: Best topping in ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough.  On top?  I don't know.  I am partial to mixing up every single garbage flavor when I do the self serve frozen yogurt things, even if the flavors don't really match.  If the Jurassic World Blizzard is still a thing I can also vouch for that. Had it recently at the World's Largest Truck Stop in Iowa. It's cookie dough and crumbled peanut butter cookie flavored. It was the real deal.

Favorite fictional character at the moment:

Tommy: The Brawny paper towel guy. They don't make them like they used to, I think he's due for a gritty reboot. Him or Stevie Nicks.
Hattie: Bigfoot (the invisible one, not the one you see in commercials) or... the Little People Who Live Inside of Juke Boxes.




Thursday, July 30, 2015


You've heard the cliche "The grass is always greener on the other side"... 

Well, I have no idea if that's true or not...

or what it even means...

I have very low reading comprehension


What I do know is that that phrase has the word "green" in it and so does this band's name...

I think...

Seriously, reading is not my strong suit. 

Anyway, here's an interview with Idaho Green!

You have no one but Megaloads to blame.

Idaho! Hello and how are ya? Names, occupations, description of your scent on a typical day:

Great! Another glorious day in Huntley, Montana. Austin plays guitarimbar, Jordan plays drumsabub caleb plays guitaramibar, jenni plays trumpetstuff , garrett plays saxamaphone, Phil plays bassamabuff and dan plays bassamabuff and tromboneamabone. We smell like a bucket of vinegar doused in axe dark chocolate body spray. Except Jenni. Jenni smells like a self respecting human being.

It has been a busy year (as is the norm!) for Idaho Green. Fill everyone in on the highlights of what the band has done since last August:

Well, Jordan moved to Columbia, Austin moved to South Korea, philth hasn't showered, Jenni swam the English Channel, Garrett became your old dad, and Caleb started receiving mysterious love letters from Shakira, Psy, queen Elizabeth, and your old dad. Austin met Mariah Carey though, so not all is lost.

How many lineups would you guess Idaho has had over the years?

As many tots come in a bag of ore-ida tater tots. Probably about 10-15. We like to think of ourselves as a soccer team- our lineup depends on our most effective makeup given who we're facing, as well as who isn't strung out on street drugs or has to drive to their girlfriend's house in Livingston.

Austin, you recently took a death-defying ride in Johnnie Lindell's El Camino (Johnnie is local venue owner (The Muleskinner) and drummer for local acts and St. Christopher). It sounded like it may have been a life-altering experience. Has this changed your mind about Brenda (much-beloved Idaho Green touring minivan)?

The El Camino is the perfect car in that it is a car in the front and a truck in the back. Brenda is great, but she's a minivan in the front and a minivan in the back. It'd be great if Brenda was either a car in the front, minivan in the back, or minivan in the front, truck in the back. It'd also be great if Brenda was Johnnie's El Camino but you can't always get what you want. We still love Brenda for who she is because that's what love is.

Did you know that in Black Foot, Idaho, there is a potato museum?
No one but Jenni knew that. And Jenni says that it's not nearly as good as the potato museum in Bonner's Ferry or even the one in Ketchum. Jenni also says the potato museum in Nampa is worth every penny.

Best spice:

Girl spice. The eternal spice. It's also known as cayenne. And cayenne is also known as Posh Spice, who is David Beckham's wife, who was former teammates with LA Galaxy midfielder Robbie Rogers, who is from Washington, which borders Idaho. Coincidence? I think not.

What are your plans for the rest of the calendar year?

Not drop out of college and not fuck our lives up. And for Jenni to break her addiction of betting on major league baseball games. Quit while you're ahead Jenni!!!

I hear there may be a move in your tell.

We're all moving to New York City by next summer, against our will. We wanna play hip clubs like CBGB and Max's Kansas City with hip bands like The Ramones, the Velvet underground, and Guy Lombardo.

I think everyone knows, but for those who haven't seen you: Idaho wears costumery. What was your worst costume choice?

Our regular clothes. So obvious and overthought. We were so insecure back then.


Ear plugs, shower plugs, spark plugs, butt plugs, plugs for dogs, plugs for pugs, pug butt plugs, pug plugs for pugs, pug butt plugs, uggs for pugs, pug shaped butt plugs, pug shaped butt plugs for pugs, pug coffee mugs, a fire plug, and Medicine Bow's new EP, it's really good.

Words to live by:

No one owes you shit.

Nice try, Jenni- you can say "no one owes you shit" in an interview,  but you still owe me 80 dollars on that bad baseball bet.


Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Hey Dreyfolk! 

Spokanne's Bad Hex are coming through for Dreyfest and have taken a few minutes to do an interview.

Their name is great, we think, and made us wonder what a "bad hex" might be...

Having your home permanently smell like sulfur-y eggs, always being hungry but never being satiated, hmm...

Let's ask them what they think:

Was he supposed to be there or is this a photobomb?

Bad Hex: please introduce yourself again!

I'm king of the swamp.

Before you started this interview, what were you doing?I just took a shower and brushed/flossed my teeth. #fresh

You are fresh off a tour- how was it, any good stories or highlights (or lowlights)? Tour was good, all things considered. Most of the shows went really well and we had a lot of fun. A few shows fell through last minute which is really disappointing, but another one came through last minute which made up for it a bit. So we ended up having 25 shows and went through 25 states. The whole point of tour was to go down to Orlando to go to Harry Potter World. We had 4 days there and it was amazing. Probably the worst thing that happened on tour is I got sick the last day and had to sit in the car with a fever all day. The best part was that we went to diners for breakfast every morning which is the best way to start the day. 

On the tour, you played here in Billings; how did it go?

The venue screwed the show up by changing it from 18+ to 21+ at the last second so a lot of people couldn't come. But it was great hanging out with/seeing Idaho Green again. That was my 25th time seeing them. It's good to be in the arms of friends after being away from home for so long.

Anyone that missed out on the show can just come see us at Dreyfest. Also, if you are bummed because you couldn't come, book us at your house next time.

If there was a witch and she were to curse you, what do you really think a bad hex would be?A hex that makes you not like the taste of pizza. Or to not be able to recognize your mother. A hex that makes you hear christmas music everywhere you go. A hex that makes one leg slightly shorter than the other. A hex that keeps you alive forever.

Since the last time you were here (before the most recent show in July), what have you been up to?Between last Dreyfest and now I have been working a ton. I worked two jobs and saved a lot of money to be able to do this huge tour to Florida and back. A day in the life of Jason went like this: Wake up at 10am. Eat breakfast and get ready for work. Walk to my first job and be there from 11-2. Walk home. Drive to my next job. Be there from 3-9, or usually later. Come home. Hang out with my girlfriend and send countless emails trying to book shows until 2am. Go to bed. repeat. 

Somewhere in there I managed to write, record, and release a new album and a new split. And start writing the next one. 

What is one interview question that you never get asked but would love to be asked? (and answer it!)

No one ever asks me about my musical influences, and I like talking about records, so here we go.

A lot of different music influences me. Some direct, some indirect. Let's talk about Florida death metal. Straight up, Obituary, Death, Hate Eternal, Morbid Angel, Deicide.. How did that scene get that good? And then we've got New York.. Immolation, fucking Incantation. Do you hear those breakdowns in Onward To Golgotha? And then there's Sweden. Unleashed, Nihilist, Entombed, not to mention Dismember! That tone! Those sounds of early death metal influenced me a lot. The rawness, the pure aggression.

Switching gears, then there's the MTV/Fuse rock of the early/mid 2000's. Most people are embarrassed by that phase of music, but I've never grown out of those bands. Saosin, Motion City Soundtrack, June, Underoath (Dallas era only), From First to Last, Hawthorne Heights, Armor For Sleep, My Chemical Romance... Those bands came around for me at a very formative age and got me more interested in songwriting. I was raised on classic rock like anyone else, and I get a lot of inspiration from Syd Barrett, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, The Grateful Dead, and especially Black Sabbath. Sabbath's first four records are probably the most important records of all time. Where would any of us be without them?

I have a lengthy background in punk which is how I got interested in emo. You could catch 15 year old Jason jamming anything Crass Records or Dischord Records related on any given day. I owe a lot of what I do to that scene in DC, in the mid 80's when bands started to be referred to as emocore. Rites of Spring, Embrace, Fire Party, and then later on elsewhere with Boilermaker, Garden Variety, Boys Life, Giants Chair. Those are the bands that I draw the most direct influence from. I started listening to them in high school and knew that was what I wanted to do. Most people involved in "emo revival" don't know anything about the history of emo, or they would know that what they listen to and what they play is NOT real emo. Posers.

In single sentence answers, what should we know:
a.) About Bad Hex
b.) About you as a person
c.) About soup
d.) About Spokane
e.) About curtains
f.) About touring

a.) People say we sound like Dinosaur Jr but I've never listened to them, so go figure.
b.) Most people grew out of their middle school emo phase, but I never did.
c.) Tomato soup is the fucking worst, and my babysitter forced me to eat it when I was a kid, and it made me vomit on multiple occasions.
d.) Pacific Northwest's best kept secret.
e.) Good for privacy.
f.) Don't do it.

Thank you for the interview, Jason. Before we sign off, what are your online presences?

Thanks for reading...readers. Other bad hexes we thought of: never-ending back-to-back family reunions, having all beverages taste like cough syrup, having to say "see you at Dreyfest" after every blog post you publish.



Monday, July 27, 2015

Sunday, July 26, 2015


You know, Festafarians, sometimes you're in the middle of reading something intriguing- like, say, a National Georaphic magazine about the habits of living predatory carnivorous birds- when you remember that you have to interview a band for a blog site. It can be tough to switch gears in a hurry, but leave it to the professionals to do it with ease; it's a talon-t. 


Hey look- it's Snow Bored: Billings's premier surf/garage rock band! 

There is a serious lack of meat-eating birds in this photo


Jared: "Drinking game: take a shot every time Snow Bored becomes Snowbored, or vice versa." - Mia Soza
Hayden: We are who you think we are. I personally wanted the band to be called "Late for Lunch", and yes, you can call us that. As long as you're having a good time, words (and names) don't really matter. 
Carsten: Neither

Pretend I'm an owl: WHOOOOO are you?

Jared: Who who, who who! I'm Jared. I shred my throat up on vocals, play cliche solos on guitar, and try to compete with Nels on drums. 
Hayden: I am the wind. I am the rain. I am love and music. I am the curious gaze of an owl perched on a majestic, ancient tree. I am just a humble human being who loves creating things and learning as much as I can. 
Carsten: I'm Carsten and I slappa da bass. 

Now pretend I'm not an owl: I'm not an owl.

Jared: Okay, Pete Townshend. Whatever you say...
Hayden: Very clever, Jared. You are not an owl, Kelly, you are, in fact, the pure embodiment and essence of Pete Towshend's badass arm swing things. 
Carsten: Wut?

Aside from your musical contributions, what would you say you bring to the band?

Jared: My contributions go as follows but are not limited to: excitement about the X Files reboot, the occasional government conspiracy, socks and sandles, uniquely designed geometric ductape, and last but not least, the Bitch Squad (as that amazing hat so perfectly states). 
Hayden: The following vibes: Painting with Bob Ross, 80's work out videos, watching Jerry Springer re runs while eating pizza rolls and cuddling with your honey bear, baby bald eagles, and occasionally, a coronal mass ejection of nuclear energy. 
Carsten: I have no idea how to follow that up. 

In general terms, what are the bulk of your songs about?

Jared: They're mainly about me losing my mind over girls, depression, boredom, and wishing there was a better scene in Billings.
Hayden: Your guess is as good as mine. My songs just shoot out of me like bullets. I play music to try and express some of the tremendous amount of emotion inside of me, and most of it is just love and compassion. So I guess you could say that's what my songs are about. Appreciating beauty and loving unconditionally. 

What was the best moment of this past year for Snow Bored?

Jared: Wiener Records, a sub label of Burger Records, just asked us to release our album through their label. I pretty much couldn't speak for a good hour or so. We're still pretty stoked about that.
Hayden: Every single moment was beautiful and awesome. 
Carsten: Being asked to release our album through Wiener Records was really rad. 

Is it just me, or does Owl City suck?

Jared: Owl City is a close second to Smash Mouth in the category of "bands that I shouldn't like but somehow do". So hey, if that says something...
Hayden: I don't think I'm qualified to answer this question. Why don't you ask those 10 million fire flies? You might not believe your eyes....or your ears. 
Carsten: Yes, it's just you. 

If you weren't in this band, what other kind of band do you think you'd be in?

Jared: Hayden and I want to start a party band called Suburban Moms that sings really messed up nursery rhymes. 
Hayden: Yeah, what Jared said. Also, I really want to play more bluesy and funky stuff. Perhaps a Stevie Ray Vaughn cover band? I just want to be half as badass as he was. Also, a disco band.  
Carsten: Being in an '80s hair metal band has always been one of my dreams. 

What are your thoughts on owls?

Jared: Owls are p cool. There's that one emo band, Owls. Except, wait...remember that movie The Fourth Kind? Nevermind...
Hayden: Mysterious and beautiful creatures. I think the owl just may be my spirit animal. 
Carsten: I think it's cool that they can turn their heads 270 degrees around, but other than that they're just okay. 

How many questions about owls should an interviewer be limited to asking in any given interview, especially in light of the interview not being primarily owl-focused?

Jared: Honestly, every question should have to do with owls.The real question is when should an interviewer's questions not be owl focused?
Hayden: I think the standards on owl related questions have yet to be set. You're really setting the bar high, man. Pushing the envelope, as always. 
Carsten: I don't have a problem with questions about owls being asked. In fact, let's keep this going. 

Do you think I should throw in the tOWL?

Jared: These jokes hurt my bOWLs.
Hayden: Fuck throwing in the tOWL, we should smoke a bOWL and listen to bOWLing for Soup. 19....19.....1985. 
Carsten: These puns are way too much for me to handle. 

What does the coming year look like for you dudes?

Jared: Well, we're just finishing up an 8 track album that we recorded with Caleb Addy at Stella's Stakeout. So that should be out on Wiener Records soon. We also have written a whole new array of songs. I think about 10-15 new songs. We're hoping to start playing those songs live this Fall and hopefully record them later on.
Hayden: More living, more loving, and more music. We'll be releasing our first album and hopefully playing a lot of shows. 
Carsten: We're actually going to have a pet owl as a mascot that will be amongst our line up soon. So get stoked Billville!

Plug your site or projects or whatever else:

Thanks for your time dudes; that was a hoot.

Screech you at Dreyfest!

Saturday, July 25, 2015


Have you ever ordered something and then forgot you sent away for it; so when it came in the mail, for a second you were puzzled, but then became overjoyed when you remembered that a package full of high quality adult diapers was on the doorstep? And like, you were really really stoked because these were super-high absorbency, high-capacity, tab-style undergarments were only available in other countries for some weird reason, but they came to you because you had saved some extra cash on the side so you could get your hands on these puppies? Yeah, we've all been there. Well that feeling is kind of similar to what happened when I heard Tabor Mountain's songs. Not that they are comparable to diapers, but y'know...I was so excited when I heard the songs that I pissed myself, so of course I was reminded of the diapers. 

Here's an interview with Tabor Mountain:

I gotta get these glasses checked...

Woah...Tabor Mountain. What's up? Who are you? Where are you?  What are you? 

I am a male pop musician who is at this very moment recovering from a sweaty round of night golf in Conway, Arkansas, with 2 of my best friends. I saw a Toad. Before this, I played 6 shows across California and the southwest, and we're not even halfway through the "Wet & Wild" tour- also featuring Northern California's premier radical texture king Dropped Call.
My name is Patrick Tabor and I have been performing and releasing music as Tabor Mountain since 2012, and if scales are to be believed I can say objectively I've gotten pretty big over the last 3 years.

Your tunes are like catchy pop tunes from an alternate universe version of the 1980s, where punk kids and new romantic kids and pop kids all listened to the same thing. Where do your influences lie? What made you want to play in the style you do?

I'm not gonna deny the influence of that particular decade on my songwriting, but I think there is a universality to pop music that transcends narrower musical placeholders like punk, shoegaze, rap or even noise. I write the songs that I want to hear, and the little melodies and beats that form in my head just eventually become Tabor Mountain songs. I love pop music, I grew up on metal, and I absorb tons of radio pop when I can. I do this project live by triggering beats and key parts on my sampler, while singing and playing keyboard & guitar. Stylistically I describe myself as capital-P Pop because my songs have such structure, but I will meander all over the place from lo-fi synthpop to VHS R&B while borrowing chunks of hair metal and sprinkling in textural found sounds I've recorded.

How did you learn to program and create electronic music? Were you trained in any capacity? All self-taught?

I got a computer in high school for my 16th birthday that had Garageband on it, that is the extent of my capacity as an "electronic musician". Every single note on a Tabor Mountain album was physically played by me, I just happen to sample drum machines and use midi-brain keyboard sounds alongside guitar, bass, live percussion, analog keyboards and my own voice. I play every drum machine live without a click track, triggering every hit individually on my Roland SP-404. Before I made music on a computer I wrote songs and played drums, bass, guitar and hopscotch since I was a little kid.

What are you planning on doing before and after Dreyfest? Touring? Sightseeing? 

Sticking with the "Wet & Wild" theme of my tour, Quade (Dropped Call) and I are indulging in as many dips in various bodies of water around the United States as possible. This includes rivers, lakes, reservoirs, bayous, creeks, cricks, swimming holes, hotel pools and ponds.
Also we're definitely gonna check out Yellowstone National P after Dreyfest to get a good look at some serious beasts and water shooty things.

Favorite chip:

Purple potato chips.

Favorite dip:

Definitely gonna have to go with Grizzly Long-Cut Natural, it's got that smooth flavor that never leaves you hanging and keeps your mud jug full.

What's Eureka/Arcata like?

I guess someone didn't get the newsflash! I lived in Arcata and Eureka for a little over 3 years, but I moved to Oakland to get away from my damn kids. It's surrounded by ancient Redwood forests, windswept dunes, marshes and California's third-largest bay- so its okay I guess.

You do videos as well- they look super fun to make! Do you go into them with any ideas or do you just get a friend to film and mess around?

Before we go out into the field I prepare every scene on a storyboard that my producer approves or rejects before it gets the greenlight from the soulless bloodsuckers at my label.

Something people probably wouldn't guess about you if their only familiarity with you is your music and videos:

Despite my tough exterior I am sensitive and caring deep down, and I will eat almost anything for $20.

Favorite hour of the day:

10:31 because it corresponds to the date of my favorite holiday.

Least favorite hour of the day:

Whenever dinner rolls around, because of the shame that always follows when I eat the heinous things that constitute my diet.

What do you see Tabor Mountain doing with the rest of 2015?

Finishing the EP I've been working on since April, Finishing the "Wet & Wild" tour, and looking forward to figuring out what to do with my life after I get evicted (I'm a bad boy) on August 30th.

Please throw your plugs here:

A helpful video to illustrate my fun party guy lifestyle:

A website called bandcamp to showcase and sell my music:

My legendary facebook page which highlights my outrageous internet wit and is now accepting new likes:

Alright folks, thank you for reading once again and thanks to Patrick for the interview. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the office ordering more incontinence aids!