Saturday, July 25, 2015


Have you ever ordered something and then forgot you sent away for it; so when it came in the mail, for a second you were puzzled, but then became overjoyed when you remembered that a package full of high quality adult diapers was on the doorstep? And like, you were really really stoked because these were super-high absorbency, high-capacity, tab-style undergarments were only available in other countries for some weird reason, but they came to you because you had saved some extra cash on the side so you could get your hands on these puppies? Yeah, we've all been there. Well that feeling is kind of similar to what happened when I heard Tabor Mountain's songs. Not that they are comparable to diapers, but y'know...I was so excited when I heard the songs that I pissed myself, so of course I was reminded of the diapers. 

Here's an interview with Tabor Mountain:

I gotta get these glasses checked...

Woah...Tabor Mountain. What's up? Who are you? Where are you?  What are you? 

I am a male pop musician who is at this very moment recovering from a sweaty round of night golf in Conway, Arkansas, with 2 of my best friends. I saw a Toad. Before this, I played 6 shows across California and the southwest, and we're not even halfway through the "Wet & Wild" tour- also featuring Northern California's premier radical texture king Dropped Call.
My name is Patrick Tabor and I have been performing and releasing music as Tabor Mountain since 2012, and if scales are to be believed I can say objectively I've gotten pretty big over the last 3 years.

Your tunes are like catchy pop tunes from an alternate universe version of the 1980s, where punk kids and new romantic kids and pop kids all listened to the same thing. Where do your influences lie? What made you want to play in the style you do?

I'm not gonna deny the influence of that particular decade on my songwriting, but I think there is a universality to pop music that transcends narrower musical placeholders like punk, shoegaze, rap or even noise. I write the songs that I want to hear, and the little melodies and beats that form in my head just eventually become Tabor Mountain songs. I love pop music, I grew up on metal, and I absorb tons of radio pop when I can. I do this project live by triggering beats and key parts on my sampler, while singing and playing keyboard & guitar. Stylistically I describe myself as capital-P Pop because my songs have such structure, but I will meander all over the place from lo-fi synthpop to VHS R&B while borrowing chunks of hair metal and sprinkling in textural found sounds I've recorded.

How did you learn to program and create electronic music? Were you trained in any capacity? All self-taught?

I got a computer in high school for my 16th birthday that had Garageband on it, that is the extent of my capacity as an "electronic musician". Every single note on a Tabor Mountain album was physically played by me, I just happen to sample drum machines and use midi-brain keyboard sounds alongside guitar, bass, live percussion, analog keyboards and my own voice. I play every drum machine live without a click track, triggering every hit individually on my Roland SP-404. Before I made music on a computer I wrote songs and played drums, bass, guitar and hopscotch since I was a little kid.

What are you planning on doing before and after Dreyfest? Touring? Sightseeing? 

Sticking with the "Wet & Wild" theme of my tour, Quade (Dropped Call) and I are indulging in as many dips in various bodies of water around the United States as possible. This includes rivers, lakes, reservoirs, bayous, creeks, cricks, swimming holes, hotel pools and ponds.
Also we're definitely gonna check out Yellowstone National P after Dreyfest to get a good look at some serious beasts and water shooty things.

Favorite chip:

Purple potato chips.

Favorite dip:

Definitely gonna have to go with Grizzly Long-Cut Natural, it's got that smooth flavor that never leaves you hanging and keeps your mud jug full.

What's Eureka/Arcata like?

I guess someone didn't get the newsflash! I lived in Arcata and Eureka for a little over 3 years, but I moved to Oakland to get away from my damn kids. It's surrounded by ancient Redwood forests, windswept dunes, marshes and California's third-largest bay- so its okay I guess.

You do videos as well- they look super fun to make! Do you go into them with any ideas or do you just get a friend to film and mess around?

Before we go out into the field I prepare every scene on a storyboard that my producer approves or rejects before it gets the greenlight from the soulless bloodsuckers at my label.

Something people probably wouldn't guess about you if their only familiarity with you is your music and videos:

Despite my tough exterior I am sensitive and caring deep down, and I will eat almost anything for $20.

Favorite hour of the day:

10:31 because it corresponds to the date of my favorite holiday.

Least favorite hour of the day:

Whenever dinner rolls around, because of the shame that always follows when I eat the heinous things that constitute my diet.

What do you see Tabor Mountain doing with the rest of 2015?

Finishing the EP I've been working on since April, Finishing the "Wet & Wild" tour, and looking forward to figuring out what to do with my life after I get evicted (I'm a bad boy) on August 30th.

Please throw your plugs here:

A helpful video to illustrate my fun party guy lifestyle:

A website called bandcamp to showcase and sell my music:

My legendary facebook page which highlights my outrageous internet wit and is now accepting new likes:

Alright folks, thank you for reading once again and thanks to Patrick for the interview. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the office ordering more incontinence aids!


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